
This blog is part of a series presenting business perspectives on 气候与自然 issues. 该系列节目旨在提高人们对这些挑战的认识, opportunities 和 actions for business to address the climate recovery 和 nature loss. 

发表: 2021年5月22日
作者: Nadine麦考密克 & 詹姆斯•史密斯
类型: 洞察力

在多重中下跌, 卫生领域相互关联的全球挑战, 不平等, 气候与自然, 今年的国际生物多样性日, 其响亮的口号是“我们是解决方案的一部分”。, is a wake-up call for business to recognize 和 realize its critical role in protecting 和 restoring natural systems for a fairer, 有弹性的未来.

As a society we increasingly recognize the interconnectedness of nature 和 climate, 但却难以以一种整体的方式解决这两个危机. 这种情况正在开始改变. As 最近,缔约方会议候任主席阿洛克·夏尔马强调了这一点, a key priority for COP26 taking place in November this year is to set enabling measures for communities 和 natural habitats to adapt to the impacts of climate change.

WBCSD members underst和 the urgency to address the nature 和 climate crises together. 我们最近更新的 2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了 provides a framework for business action in line with the urgency of the challenges that we face if 9 billion people are to live well, 在地球范围内, by 2050. 要超越一切照旧,进入必要的加速转型, business leaders must adopt three mindset shifts: reinventing capitalism that rewards true value creation; focusing on building long-term resilience; 和 taking a regenerative approach beyond doing no harm which builds the capacity of our social 和 natural ecosystems to heal 和 thrive.

While business are increasingly recognizing nature’s essential role in supporting human wellbeing 和 health, we are still outstripping nature’s ability to supply the services on which we all depend.

这些服务, 通常被称为“生态系统服务”, 是我们“免费”享受的福利吗?, 比如淡水的供应, 土壤肥力, 作物授粉, 调节洪水,保持气候稳定. 没有健康的, 生态系统功能, 大自然提供这些服务的能力受到损害或减少, 给人类福祉和我们的社会带来灾难性的负面影响. 科学家们敲响警钟已经有一段时间了. In 2019, IPBES published a comprehensive assessment on Biodiversity 和 Ecosystem Services 和 found that nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history. 的 最终达斯古普塔评论 also showed that we need to ensure that our global economy embeds nature into decision-making, 因为我们的经济是自然的附属品, 而不是反过来.

2019年IPBES report also showed that climate change 和 biodiversity loss are intrinsically linked. 的 report identifies climate change as the third major driver of nature loss by order of impact. 反过来, the loss of nature 和 the unsustainable use 和 management of natural resources is the second largest source of carbon emissions 和 a key driver of climate change.

大自然可以提供 高达30%的气候减缓 这是我们在2030年需要的,但它只收到大约 公共资金的8%. 如果我们能像投资可再生能源那样投资大自然, we would have achieved significant progress towards global climate goals 和 the Aichi Biodiversity Targets: reducing nature loss 和 the severity of the climate emergency we face. 避免危险, 不可逆转的气候变化, 我们必须在2050年之前实现净零排放,并在2030年之前对自然产生积极影响. 我们拖得越久, 缓解和适应这些影响的复杂性和成本就越高, 给人类和地球带来灾难性的影响.

Business can play a critical role in accelerating climate recovery 和 revering nature loss. 自然-based 和 自然气候解决方案 (NCS) which sequester carbon from the atmosphere are fundamental to building true climate resilience 和 need to occur in t和em with rapid decarbonization of the global economy. Scaling these solutions will be critical to combating the climate emergency while protecting high-value ecosystems 和 reversing nature loss. 根据WBCSD 2019年的报告 自然气候解决方案:商业视角, which outlined the critical role that NCS can play in helping companies transition to net zero, 我们的2020年报告 绘制基于自然的解决方案和自然气候解决方案 clarifies the vital role of high-quality nature-based 和 natural climate solutions 和 their respective scopes towards achieving climate, 性质和更广泛的发展目标.

以自然为基础的行动将是今年国际议程的重点. 从谈判开始 联合国气候变化框架公约》COP26 十一月至 联合国粮食系统首脑会议 以及联合国大会, mobilizing countries to address the interconnected risks from climate change 和 nature loss will permeate international cooperation.    

CBD 2020年后全球生物多样性框架 将是倡导和实现这些议程更强有力行动的关键. 后 未能实现爱知生物多样性目标, leaders must agree to an ambitious Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework to address biodiversity 和 nature loss, 这反过来又将推动私营部门的行动,这是实现这一目标的关键. Together with leaders from across science, conservation 和 business, WBCSD recently launched a 全球自然目标 with three measurable objectives: zero net loss of nature from 2020; net positive by 2030, 和; full recovery by 2050.

Business action to address the 气候与自然 crises is gaining momentum through net zero commitments 和 science-based targets, 但是,气候和自然恢复这一雄心勃勃但必要的目标需要更多的努力. WBCSD已调整其 会员资格标准 和项目的野心保持在1.到2050年,全球变暖5度,并为自然的全面恢复做出贡献. 

Pursuing “net-zero” impact – while critical – is ultimately insufficient by itself to achieving 气候与自然 recovery. WBCSD的 自然气候解决方案自然的行动 projects support business to scale nature’s role in achieving the Paris Agreement goals on climate change 和 to fully recover nature by 2050. 与来自世界各地的专家和成员合作, we help businesses to collaborate across sectors 和 value chains to scale natural climate solutions 和 nature-based solutions to our planetary emergency: to protect 和 restore the natural systems on which we all depend.

恢复自然和气候需要我们所有人的共同努力, 但这样的努力会给我们带来健康的回报, 这个幸福繁荣的星球供养着90亿人. 你或你的公司今天能采取什么行动来实现这些目标呢?




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